Renting Disney Vacation Club Points. What you need to know.
Disney’s rates keep rising and vacationers keep playing the virtual scavenger hunt to try and come up with the best ways to save. Renting Disney Vacation Club points is gaining popularity among Disney visitors, especially those with larger families, as a way to stay within the Magic of Walt Disney World Resort for less. But with savings comes sacrifice. So we encourage you to research this option carefully before you rent.
Postpone your travel, not your dreams
Travel and Tourism is an industry that is built on personal relationships, connections and shared discoveries. For that I am grateful. And even though social distancing is keeping us from spending time with each other right now, I want you to know that nothing will keep me from being connected to you, my travel family. You’re in my thoughts and I wish you and your loved ones good health and well-being during this challenging time. Right now, you might feel frustrated, bored and scared, but you are not alone. Be patient. Stay home and be well so you are able to travel in the future. “Difficult roads often lead to…
10 Free interactive things to do to make the most of your time at home
Believe it or not, spending a lot of extra time at home during this coronavirus outbreak has benefits. Your travel plans might be on hold for now, and social distancing might prevent you from going to the gym or out with friends, but that shouldn’t stop you from being entertained and inspired.